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Cubic Machinery

Booth #9090

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  • SG-20
  • SG-32Y


Robot Deburring Cell for Fastener and Connector Industry

Being in CNC machine tool business for over 30 years we know nowadays the deburring/polishing/finishing process is often the bottleneck within a shop. In response to customer demand we have created an easy to use robot cell to address this need.

Many built to order options availableto fit your needs

  • Cubic offers complete integration. We can provide custom part feeding fixture, custom EOAT and a variety of tool stations such as live tools, cut-off disc, bench grinder, belt grinder are all possible.
  • Industrial dust collection housed in same unit
  • Vision system available for inspection or robot guidance

Easy to run

  • Custom user screen dedicated to your deburring sequences.
  • Create new recipes within the same family of parts without robot programming.
  • Vision system available for inspection or robot guidance

How does it work?

By integrating a force/torque sensor we are able to run the robot using force control. Precise force can be applied at the edges of the part and industrial robot can manipulate the part at high speed allowing both high precision and productivity.

Robot available: Mitsubishi or FANUC

If you have a backlog of deburring jobs in your shop that need to be automated, contact us and see how we can help.

CUBIC MACHINERY13401 Benson Ave.Chino, CA, 91710
TOLL FREE: 866-380-9995
TEL: 909-590-9995

Robot Integration

We are FANUC certified robot integrator. 

Cubic has experience designing and building automated machining systems, ranging from custom loader integration, robotic integration to full blown million dollar rotary transfer machine.

We are FANUC certified robot integrator. 

Elbow cutter
Fanuc Green Robot with GTV
Fanuc Robot with GTV
UR deburring cell
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Fastener Automation

Cubic has developed a system of loader automation modules for GT mini PLUS gang tool CNC lathe that are specialized for the needs of fastener manufacturers.

By mixing and matching these modules and drawing on our engineering expertise, Cubic has delivered on the promise of short cycle time and reliable unattended machining for many of the processes involved in the fastener manufacturing.

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About Us

History. News. Employment

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Dealer Inquiry
We are FANUC certified robot integrator. 

Looking to become one of Cubic Machinery's distribution partners?

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We Are Hiring!
We are FANUC certified robot integrator. 

Join Our Team

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